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Open to the public January 21, 2014

Stanley Building: 300 S Washington, Hobart, OK 73651

Session 1 (FREE): 9:30 am – 11:30

Bonus Session (with lunch $10.00 per person):

11:30 am – 12:30 RSVP required



A General Tommy Franks Leadership Experience developed in partnership with Cameron University’s School of Business. INSPIRED by the life and LEADERSHIP principles of General Tommy Franks and communicated in an engaging and interactive format that will inspire you to discover your leadership potential.


The Inspired Leadership Experience is a workshop that combines historical fact, leadership principles, interactive activities and vivid illustrations that will provide the participant with a comprehensive view of General Franks’ applied leadership style and will assist in the discovery of the participant’s leadership potential.


There is more to success than just developing a set of goals. Developing a Common Vision includes the development of goals around a mission; creating teamwork with a common focus; establishing realistic expectations and responsibility; and managing conflict to enable success. This session will explore all of these issues and provide you with the tools that will enable you to accomplish your goals through the development of a common vision.


LIVING ON-PURPOSE is a tool that reduces stress and provides a guide that will help you make better decisions and be more successful. Many of us have trouble keeping our focus on our goals and the things that are important to us. Learning how to live ON-PURPOSE will not only improve your ability to succeed…it will focus your success on the things that are most important to you.

Who is the presenter?

WARREN MARTIN, Executive Director of the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum, is the primary presenter of all Inspired Leadership Experiences. Warren has been leading leadership workshops, presenting keynote presentations and consulting with Fortune 500 corporations for 16 years. A Philosophy graduate from Texas Tech and author of 5 books, Warren is known for his unique teaching style. He has worked in 28 countries around the world (mostly in the Middle East and Latin America). He has also worked with teachers, organizations, and youth ministers to develop curriculum and need specific training. His passion is to invest in the lives of others through servant leadership to assist them in reaching their full potential.

You can step back in time and invest in your future in one trip to the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum (GTFLIM) this holiday season. Take a trip down memory lane to the late 50s with the newly renovated Midland, TX display. Invest in your future by attending the next Inspired Leadership Workshop. Come and visit the newest traveling exhibit “A Tribute to 9/11” and the upcoming exhibit “Grunts to Glory” opening in January 2014. There is plenty to do and see this holiday season in downtown Hobart.

GTFLIM is currently working on the renovation of several exhibits throughout the museum. The most recent changes to the exhibits have been the remodeling of the Deep Roots exhibit with the addition of an interactive kiosk and a complete overhaul of the Midland, TX exhibit. The Midland, TX exhibit is a flashback to the 50s and 60s diner environment and is complete with jukebox favorites you can select from on the new interactive kiosk. You can also hear the story of Midland, TX in General Franks’ own words. This is the first major step in a complete overhaul of nearly 1/5 of the museum’s exhibits this winter.

Coming January 21, 2014, GTFLIM will host a public Inspired Leadership Workshop focused on “Developing a Common Vision.” This workshop will look at more than just the development of goals, it will provide you with the tools that will enable you to accomplish your goals. This workshop will also include a bonus session “Living On-Purpose.” The bonus session is a great companion session to Common Vision. Living On-Purpose will not only improve your ability to succeed, but will focus your success on the the issues that are most important to you. Call Nikki Jones at 580-726-5900 to register for the Inspired Leadership Workshop.

GTFLIM currently has “A Tribute to 9/11” exhibit on display in their cultural hall. This display will remain open to the public through Christmas. It details moment by moment the events that occurred on that historical day that impacted our country so deeply.

January 2014, GTFLIM will open a new exhibit “Grunts to Glory: A Uniform History of the Military.” This exhibit will be a rare opportunity to view a private collection of artifacts which detail aspects of military life from the trenches of World War I to military service in the White House. This exhibit is a must see. As always, the museum and all traveling exhibits in the museum are FREE!

As your family and friends come into Hobart for the holidays, remember there is always something going on at the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum. This holiday season you can step back in time and invest in your future all at the same place.

Grunts to Glory

A uniform exhibition of aviation and military history featuring uniforms from the grunts in the trenches of WWI to the glory of military service in the White House.

On display will be World War I doughboys uniforms from the Navy and Army Aviation Branch. Army Aviation is where the modern Air Force got its humble beginnings. Also featured is a World War II Army Air Force leather pilots jacket, worn by the guys who “Flew the Hump” from China to Burma over the Himalayas.  

In addition you will see a WWI USMC Doughboys’ uniform with accompanying whistles. One whistle would have been blown to let the troops know it was time to go “Over the Top” out of the trenches and into “No Man’s Land.” The other whistle would have been blown to warn the troops in the trenches of the use of mustard gas.

The display will also feature unique and rare items detailing the history of military uniforms; collar brass, wings, medals and chest insignias from the Navy and Marine Corps.

This exhibition will detail a uniform history of the military from the grunts in the trenches to a unique 1930’s era USMC Captain’s Presidential Aid Mess Dress worn while in service in the White House.

This exhibition is a rare opportunity to see a private collection of rare military uniforms and paraphernalia generally not available for public viewing. The exhibition will be open January 2, 2014 through February 28, 2014 at the General Tommy Franks Museum [507 S. Main, Hobart, OK 73651]. Call Scott Cumm, Museum Manager at 580-726-5900 for more information.