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Museum Road Show

The traveling Road Show and classroom is a mobile museum designed to enhance and enrich the learning experience of students. The classroom travels directly to schools where an educator gives guided tours and educational discussions based on a curriculum packet that meets Oklahoma PASS skill requirements for 6th and 7th grade Social Studies.

Exhibits include cultural, social and geographical items and information from 24 Middle East and African countries: cultural dress, one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, children’s toys, ceremonial items and the first democratic ballot from Afghanistan. The Road Show encourages critical thinking and discussion by exposing students to educational opportunities beyond the classroom and traditional learning experiences.

If you would like to participate in this “FREE” program, please contact me at (580) 726-5900 or nikki@tommyfranksmuseum.org to set up a date for our visit.

We will also bring the Road Show to your event or festival. Give us a call for pricing and more details.

Road Show & Classroom

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Darryl Anthony Design